Judul di atas terlalu lebar kalau ingin membicarakan peran blogger
Indonesia dalam sosialisasi potensi budaya dan wisata di kawasan ASEAN. Harusnya ditambahkan dengan sosialisasi budaya dan wisata di kawasan ASEAN.
Fungsi Blog
Fungsi blog bermacam-macam antara lain sebagai jurnal, pelengkap link, scrapbook , atau bahkan discussion board. Isinya bermacam-macam dari blog umum contoh catatan harian, atau khusus seperti kesehatan, pendidikan, liputan, politik,sarana promosi, dan lain-lain. Ada hal yang akhir-akhir ini menarik para blogger menulis perjalanannya pada blognya. Baik dalam blog yang bertema khusus atau campuran dengan tema lain.
menemukan contoh blog wisata lumayan ciamik. Pengelolanya lumayan serius
mengolah blognya. Dalam blog tersebut ada wisata alami, bahari, belanja, candi,
situs, monumen dan museum, religi serta sejarah. Blog itu adalah http://banggawisatalokal.blogspot.com. Tentu masih banyak blog baik yang lain.
blog yang bertema budaya yang dikelola oleh komunitas jelajah budaya. Budaya itu maknanya sangat luas seperti tarian, lagu, alat musik, aturan/kebiasaan suatu suku, cara bercocok
tanam dan lain-lain. Contoh blog lain adalah http://indonesiacultural.blogspot.com.
Budaya menurut Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan, dan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar.
Dubes I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, Direktur Jenderal Kerja Sama Asean memaparkan sosialisasi peningkatan kerjasama ASEAN dengan mitra wicara, berisikan latar belakang pembentukan, perkembangan ASEAN, komunitas ASEAN, proritas keketuaan Indonesia, catatan kemajuan keketuaan Indonesia dan sebagainya.
Dubes Bagas Hapsoro, Sekjen ASEAN turut hadir dalam acara ini membahas tentang ASEAN Cooperation on Outreach Programme
Budaya menurut Prof. Dr. Koentjaraningrat adalah keseluruhan sistem gagasan, tindakan, dan hasil karya manusia dalam rangka kehidupan masyarakat yang dijadikan milik diri manusia dengan belajar.
Diskusi Budaya dan Wisata Indonesia
Tanggal 13 Oktober 2012, saya mengikuti acara diskusi budaya dan Wisata Indonesia di Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Departemen Luar Negeri Republik Indonesia di Jalan Sisingamaraja no 73 Jakarta. Acara ini dipandu oleh Eka Situmorang dan di buka oleh Chichi Utami Lestari dan dilanjutkan sambutan Ketua ASEAN Blogger Community Iman Brotoseno berbicara tentang ASEAN Blogger Declaration, ASEAN Blogger Conference. Dubes Hazairin Pohan, kepala Pusdiklat Kementerian Luar Negeri berharap peran aktif ABC dalam perwujudan Komunitas Sosial Budaya ASEAN.Dubes I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja, Direktur Jenderal Kerja Sama Asean memaparkan sosialisasi peningkatan kerjasama ASEAN dengan mitra wicara, berisikan latar belakang pembentukan, perkembangan ASEAN, komunitas ASEAN, proritas keketuaan Indonesia, catatan kemajuan keketuaan Indonesia dan sebagainya.
Dubes Bagas Hapsoro, Sekjen ASEAN turut hadir dalam acara ini membahas tentang ASEAN Cooperation on Outreach Programme
Kesimpulan dari diskusi ini adalah betapa penting peran para Blogger khususnya Indonesia untuk mensosialisasikan wisata dan budaya di kawasan ASEAN.
Mengutip dari ASEAN socio-Cultural Community blue print
E.3. Promotion of Cultural Creativity and Industry
45. Strategic Objective: Enhance ASEAN identity and togetherness through cultural creativity
and the promotion and cooperation on cultural industry.
E.4. Engagement with the community
46. Strategic Objective: To inculcate an ASEAN identity and build a people-oriented ASEAN
where people are at the centre of community building, through the participation of all sectors of
F. Narrowing The Development Gap
47. Strategic Objectives: Strengthen cooperation to reduce the development gap in particular
the social dimensions of development between the ASEAN-6 and the CLMV countries and within
ASEAN where some isolated pockets of under development persist.
generation through the media.
Promote exchanges of television programmes to enhance cross-culture understanding
among ASEAN Member States;
Mobilise the mass media and other cultural institutions to disseminate and share
information on ASEAN culture, developments, accomplishments, benefits, and objectives to the people;
Encourage youth exchanges such as the conduct of youth camps and similar activities
to promote ASEAN arts and culture performances, ASEAN awareness and a sense of
community among the public; and
Include the studies on ASEAN arts and culture as well as their values in school
Develop or improve national legislations and regional instruments/mechanisms to
protect, preserve and promote ASEAN cultural heritage and living traditions of each
ASEAN Member State by 2015;
Document and manage significant ASEAN cultural heritage in a whole of ASEAN context;
Undertake risk assessments and prepare emergency response plans for rescuing
threatened significant cultural heritage across ASEAN; Promote ASEAN civilization
studies, including through collaboration between the ASEAN culture officials and the
members of the AUN;
Promote cultural tourism and the development of related industries by establishing
working relations between and among the ASEAN culture and tourism officials and
the private sector;
Promote capacity building/human capital in heritage management by providing training,
seminar, workshop, conferences, etc;
Undertake studies on the establishment of an ASEAN Cultural Centre in each ASEAN
Member State as well as ASEAN dialogue partner countries;
Preserve and develop the traditional handicraft villages and occupations in the rural
areas, particularly among ethnic minority groups;
Develop national capabilities in the promotion, management and preservation of
traditional cultural heritage and non-traditional cultural heritage such as audio-visuals;
Encourage community participation in preservation cultural heritage through mass
Promote the protection of cultural properties against theft, illicit and illegal trade and
trafficking, and transfer within and outside ASEAN;
Promote regional cooperation on the acquisition, preservation and use of archives;
Establish effective resource centre or portal for Records and Archives of ASEAN Secretariat;
Exchange of best practices and experts in the field of Archive and Records
Management; and
Nurture talents and promote interactions among ASEAN scholars, artists, and heritage
media practitioners to help preserve and promote ASEAN Cultural Diversity while
fostering regional identity as well as cultivating people awareness of ASEAN.
Promote the development of cultural industry resources by facilitating collaborations
and networking between and among small and medium-sized cultural enterprises
Promote and support the development of cultural industries through the exchange of
knowledge and best practices by respecting branded national cultural industries;
Develop and support young peoples capacity for original ideas and action in the area
of culture and arts;
Promote wider opportunities for cultural creativity among youth and all sectors of the
population, including the ethnic groups;
Promote marketing and distribution of cultural products and services;
Improve capacity of national institutions to manage and develop cultural industry
enhancing employment activities and commercialisation of local cultural products/
services in domestic and international markets;
Encourage cooperation on culture industry and creative economy with the ASEAN
partner countries;
Organise regular joint training programmes, seminars, and workshops for SMCEs; and
Enhance interactions between Government Sectors Institution on SMCE’s
Development by convening annual conferences.
Banyak sekali yang bisa dilakukan oleh para Blogger Indonesia untuk kemajuan industri wisata dan mensosialisasikan budaya kawasan ASEAN kepada dunia. Hal kecil yang bisa dilakukan adalah mengenalkan hasil karya para pengrajin kecil tentu saja ini akan membantu perekonomian mereka. Biasanya kegiatan promosi sulit mereka lakukan.
Tulisan ini ikut dilombakan dalam Lomba Blog Wisata dan Budaya yang diselanggarakan oleh http://aseanblogger.com
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